Year: 2024

  • Notes on appreciation

  • Free Energy Principle, Predictive Processing and Meaning notes

    This is the synthesis and synergising of various talks about free energy principle, predictive processing and its connection with meaning. By understanding predictive processing and free-energy (as a lens) you can understand other aspects such as addiction or meaning-making (meaning in life). Psychedelics and the Free Energy Principle: From REBUS to Indra’s Net Perception…

  • Gold

    One way of thinking about beauty is that it is a signal of reverse-entropy – a moment of harmony and symmetry in an otherwise trend towards disorder. Something I was thinking about is that gold is remarkably perfect in that it doesn’t degrade over time – it remains in a perfect state. Therefore it must…

  • RC Sport Paddles Review

    RC Sport Paddles Review

    One of the best feelings imaginable is swimming fast – gliding through the water, cruising up and down a hotel pool after sunset, reaching with every stroke through the turquoise blue water and slicing through the glittering sunset yellow reflections, tumble-turning, pushing off the wall and cruising yet more… The performance paddles were built for…

  • A memory from another dimension

    I was in the kitchen at my parent’s house. I looked over at my father who was also standing in the kitchen and we both chuckled. In that moment, it felt as if I was meeting him in a dream after not seeing him for a very long time, or as if we met each…

  • The Heroine’s Journey

    If it’s true what the cognitive neuroscientists say that story and myths inform you about what to do when you don’t know what to do, then stories are fundamental to decision-making under uncertainty, and that the brain relies on micro-narratives to deal with combinatorially explosive complexity of everyday life, let alone chaos. And so, as they…

  • Patterns of behaviour (from child to parent)

    Something I noticed when I first started living together with my partner was that there was a clash of certain ways of doing things / approaches or principles, even though we had similar cultures and similar belief systems. It often baffled me how we could be so different on such things. Only now do I…

  • Your Mother’s Heartbeat

    I let my mind drift,As I lay with my head on your mother’s chest,Listening to her calm heart beat.Relax.So many things to do and things I want to do.Relax.But I have such limited time.Relax.I lifted my head, unsure –And suddenly noticed how quiet the world was.I could no longer hear your mother’s heartbeat.And I remembered…

  • A Letter to A Friend: Safe Journeys

    Safe journey, old friend, and tell us how it goes.Take with you some aims and goalsAnd when you get there,Meet those people, see their habitat,Find their intricacies:The small things that make them tickThe things that make them, themThings they wouldn’t notice amongst themselves. Activities, customs and acts they can’t help doingOut of desire, necessity or…

  • The Vagina Stone

    Once I was on the beach. It was a fairly cool summers day and my daughter and I were searching for pebbles that looked like eggs. One of the stones stood out and had the word ‘vagina’ written on it. It was amusing and I picked it up. Holding it, I could kind of imagine…