Tag: Objectives
Seeking Greatness and the Myth of Objectives
Let’s start with a riddle You’re lost in a labyrinth and you need to get out quickly. It’s a matter of survival. You chance upon two robots in this labyrinth. One robot has the algorithm: “I find novel spaces.” The other robot has the algorithm: “I seek the exit.” Which robot gives you the best […]
An Objective and a Challenge
I have now shared my two career objectives with close friends and my mentor. Sharing goals is something I used to do regularly in swimming. Usually it would come about in a training session usually before a big event or at the start of a season. There was something primal about it. Sharing goals has […]
Update to our Miro PI Planning board design
I’m quite pleased with the latest online Miro PI Planning board which took at least five or six attempts to get to this stage. It’s the closest we’ve got to in terms of Dual Track Agile, with UX working a sprint ahead (or often more than one, if there is some conceptual investigation to be […]
OKR Meet up: One Good OKR and a Small Bet
I was recently invited by Natalija Helscoe (author of book ‘OKRs at the Centre‘) to give an online talk about our Saltwood start-up and how we were able to use one good OKR to get our business started. Here are the slides: After the talk a few of us ‘hung around’ online and chatted further. […]
Personal OKRs and Personal Agility
How on Earth do people get things done? I really don’t know how some people achieve anything in their private lives – myself included. I got so fed up with myself for constantly forgetting things that I needed some way of ‘sorting myself out’, especially at a point in my life when time itself was […]
Personal agility: Objectives, Small Bets, Big Rocks
We all have blind spots. It turns out that during my journey in the world of Objectives, I stumbled into a parallel world of personal agility. I suppose it had to. Both literally and metaphorically. But I need to add a bit of context first. What does it mean to be agile? (A good friend asked […]
A Start Up, a Small Bet and some Agile Hardware
This is a story about having some fun with scrum (agile hardware) and doing a start up with a friend. But it’s also more than that. It’s another journey. It was setting out with a clear mission, ‘giving it a go’ and seeing what’s out there. It was an experiment. This was about applying scrum, […]
Helping a friend to ‘lift off’
A couple weeks ago I helped a friend to do a “lift off” for a new business venture. The problem was that he had had the idea for many years but had so far never been able to start it. There was absolutely no reason why he couldn’t start this business – he had all […]
The Best Sailors Navigate via the Stars – Writing Objectives
Last year after a swimming race, a group of us were standing by the warm-down pool talking loudly about USRPT (ultra short race pace training) – the next big thing, maybe. A friend of mine – who is a competitor of mine but who also coached me for a short while – stubbornly insisted that […]