I was just looking through the first year of this endeavour and it’s been surprisingly productive and refreshingly insightful. Highlights:
- Inauguration with Neal, Jeremy and Matt
- Set up an online community here.
- Took the course ‘Antifragile Organizations‘ from the formidable Luca DellAnna.
- Did a vision quest in the Welsh forest to write our vision statement.
- Gave a talk about ‘Antifragility for Scrum Masters’ at the Global Scrum Master Summit.
- Added 73 posts to the Personal Antifragility community! Couldn’t believe that!
- Did a live webinar with the awesome crew from the Antifragility Institute about the model ‘House of Antfragility’.
- Undertook a full dopamine detox and digital declutter and wrote about it.
- Based on the interest for the digital detox, we started writing a mini book (50% complete).
- Published first digital product about ‘initiating a community of practice’.
- Set up a kanban board with our tasks and objectives.
- Developed some new areas: ‘Finding the Why’ and ‘Friday Projects’.
- Made some first steps towards ‘financial antifragility’.
On the whole, some really fantastic stuff. We have learned tons!
Some initial ideas for the new year
- A 3 month flanuer based on a single word
- Moving the community to a subdomain
- Publish the Digital detox mini book
- A course around ‘Personal Antifragility’
- An event or meetup in Cambridge
- Sharing some Antifragile investments (one of the original intentions)