Tag: Meaning

  • Bird spotting as relevance realisation

    We went hiking through the jungles of Central America. There is a rare bird in this scene. As we emerged from jungle’s undergrowth to this raised open area, our guide immediately pointed, and said, there’s a male quetzal. I couldn’t see the bird. Even when he pointed in the direction, I still couldn’t see. He…

  • Spellbound: Notes

    Spellbound by Daniel Liberman Tapping into the unconscious, understanding it – understanding why it can lead us astray from ourselves destructively but also understanding how we can tap into the unconscious and being to harness the power. To understand the unconscious we cannot use ‘language’ or rational thinking. We need something else. The key to…

  • Free Energy Principle, Predictive Processing and Meaning notes

    This is the synthesis and synergising of various talks about free energy principle, predictive processing and its connection with meaning. By understanding predictive processing and free-energy (as a lens) you can understand other aspects such as addiction or meaning-making (meaning in life). Psychedelics and the Free Energy Principle: From REBUS to Indra’s Net https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/building-a-science-of-consciousness/id1654416860?i=1000586050485 Perception…

  • The Razor’s Edge

    The Razor’s Edge

    One of my favourite books is ‘The Razor’s Edge’ by Somerset Maugham. The opening epigraph is: The sharp edge of a razor is difficult to pass over;thus the wise say the path to salvation is hard. It never made complete sense to me when I first read it in my twenties, and it still doesn’t.…