
Collaborator, Team Liftoffs

“Every team needs a Liftoff”

I am collaborating together with Diana Larsen, the original co-author of the book ‘Liftoff’ to bring this effective approach to more teams via workshops and hands-on facilitation

Consultant, Do It Agile

Consultant for large corporations who wish to scale and streamline their tech operations.

Co-founder, Saltwood Sounds

Saltwood Sounds designs and manufactures high-end audio speakers which combine craftsmanship, sound design and the latest technology

Co-founder, Ripplty

Co-author of the Ripplty manifesto. We believe in a more creative and beautiful world with a timeless quest for uncovering our rich and deep mythical truths, where everyone feels part of something greater than themselves and has a deeper sense of meaning in life.

Revaluing Tech

This is a book about technology and dopamine. It is also about addiction and meaning. Written together with Matt Gwyther, this is our story of understanding how our dopamine levels are influenced by technology; and what we can do about it with the ultimate aim of a leading a life aligned with our own purpose, a life undistracted by the dopamine inducing technologies that surround our daily lives.

Seafaring Tapes

My father and his mate Cyril recorded this back in the ’80s. I’ve remastered and them and put them online. A collection of seventeen songs, primarily from the coastal and seafaring regions of Britain and Ireland.

Cambridge One Presentation Plus

Together as a team we built the teacher’s presentation tool, which teachers can use to teach English in classrooms. We also built a desktop companion which can be installed for offline usage.

Personal Antifragility

This is a new community and open space where we discuss and explore how we can bring ourselves closer towards antifragility: that is, reconfiguring our life to make sure we can survive and thrive throughout the unpredictable complexity of today’s world.


ArabicOnine set out to dispel the myth that Arabic is a difficult language. We did that – it became the top Arabic language resource, and loved by many! I scrum mastered, built, recorded, designed, plus a wee bit programming – did quite a lot on this project! It’s an online service and an app.

Cabo Verde – Bitesize Africa

This is a photography book that I self-published after spending a week on the island of Cabo Verde. It was my first time to sub-Saharan Africa and I was keen to document my impressions.

Hands On Turkish

An interactive online course of Turkish for business professionals. I helped to build the platform.

Argonaut Consulting

Argonaut consulting is a cross-cultural consultancy. I authored writing profiles on the Omani business culture, based on my experience of learning Arabic, living in Oman and doing business there.

Food Economy Group

I’ve supported The Food Economy Group over many years with the website, technology, profiles and I was the speaker for the video ‘An Introduction to HEA