The cat is either alive or dead, but in quantum physics there is a scenario where it hypothetically could be both.
I entered that quantum space today where I experienced both realities simultaneously. For a moment, for an eternity.
I looked, read and then paused.
Like those rugby players scoring a try, but not yet sure whether it was given or not. The world slowed down , people shifted forward in their seats, eyes focused.
To see again and experience the world again in slow motion as the replay showed the movements, the roles and the rules.
I received an email and the world slowed down. It paused.
Was it a yay or a nay?
Christ! It could be either.
In that instance it was both!
They say that car crashes happen in slow motion because the brain speeds up.
My brain sped up, nerves heightened.
Yay or nay?
Time stopped.
But in reality it’s one of the other.
Yay or nay.
I felt myself reaching for the line with the ball in hand after struggling for weeks on end and trying to get closer and closer, and then the the joy of sprinting to the end – and then the …
Yay or nay?
We waited …
And there’s only one way out of this glitch in time.
A cup of tea.