Personal Antifragility – a New Community

How can I start applying antifragility to my own personal life?

This was a question that I set myself earlier in the year. I also realised that, upon reflection, I had always been attracted to the concept of antifragility before even knowing what the concept was, and conversely, I had always been cautious of decisions that could increase my fragility. I am aware that at this stage of my life, my existence has become more ‘fragile’ in some respects.

Since reading ‘Antifragility’ by Nassim Taleb, I had been having a lot of conversations with people about the concept of antifragility and people were genuinely interested and keen to know how to apply this. So a couple of us decided to take it further and we set up a community:

Here the intention is to start the conversation and share ideas about how we are applying antifragility (in different ways) and what we’re learning. The intention is also to make that information available to others.

So far, there has been a really positive engagement from the few people who have joined so far. It’s also important that this community starts small and stays focussed to its goal.


